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state land中文是什么意思

用"state land"造句"state land"怎么读"state land" in a sentence


  • 公地。
  • "state"中文翻译    n. 1.〔常作 S-〕国,国家;〔通例作 S-〕(美国 ...
  • "land"中文翻译    n. 1.陆地,地面。 2.土地,田地;农田;〔pl.〕 ...
  • "commissioner of state for land affairs" 中文翻译 :    土地事务国务委员
  • "land-locked state" 中文翻译 :    内陆国, 陆锁国
  • "ownership of land by the state" 中文翻译 :    土地国有制
  • "secretary of state for land affairs" 中文翻译 :    土地事务国务秘书
  • "state bureau of land administration" 中文翻译 :    国家土地管理局
  • "state land administration" 中文翻译 :    国家土地管理局
  • "state land administration of prc" 中文翻译 :    中华人民共和国国家土地管理局
  • "state owned land" 中文翻译 :    国家土地
  • "state-owned land" 中文翻译 :    国有土地
  • "state-owned land use certificate" 中文翻译 :    国有土地使用证
  • "state-owned land-reclamation enterprise" 中文翻译 :    农垦企业
  • "hiring out the state-owned land user" 中文翻译 :    国有土地使用权出租
  • "by land" 中文翻译 :    由陆路
  • "land" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.陆地,地面。 2.土地,田地;农田;〔pl.〕所有地,地产。 3.国土,国,国家;领土;地方;(…的)世界;地带,境界。 4.台阶。 5. 采掘段。 6.(枪炮的)阳堂线。 7.〔美口〕老天爷! ( = Lord)。 8.(刀刃的)厚度,刃棱面;(纹间)表面。 9.平台。 a land campaign [warfare] 陆战。 go by land 从陆路去。 arable land 适于耕作的土地。 open barren land 开荒。 coal land 煤田。 green land 牧场。 land reclamation 开垦荒地。 waste land 荒地。 work [go] on the land 务农。 Do you have much land in France 你在法国有很多地皮么? own houses and lands 拥有房地产。 come home from foreign lands 从外国归来。 from all lands 来自各国。 home [native] land 祖国。 throughout the land 全国各地。 in the land of dreams 在梦乡。 in the land of the living 在人世,在现世。 Back to the land ! 回故乡去!(文学上)回到田园生活! back lands 穷乡僻壤。 bad lands 1. 易受侵蚀、不堪耕作的干旱土地。 2. 〔B- L-〕 美国西部这类荒地。 the land of cakes 糕饼国〔指苏格兰〕。 the L- of Flowers 花卉之乡〔美国〕〔佛罗里达州的别名〕。 the land [L-] of Nod 睡乡。 the land of Promise [Covenant] 【圣经】应许的乐土〔指上帝应许赐给亚伯拉罕子孙的迦南乐土〕。 the land of stars and stripes 星条旗之国〔指美国〕。 the land of the bone-dry free 〔讽刺语〕没有喝酒自由的国家〔指实施禁酒法时期的美国〕。 the land of the golden fleece 金羊毛之国〔澳大利亚的别号〕。 the land of the leal 天堂。 the land of the Rose 玫瑰之国〔指英国〕。 clear land 清除土地上的树木等(以备耕种)。 clear the land (船只)离岸出海。 close with the land 接近陆地。 Dixie L- 1. 【历史】美国南方实行奴隶所有制的各州。 2. 美国南方各州。 good land 〔美口〕天啊! 好家伙! 糟糕! how the land lies 1. 【航海】在什么方位? 2. 形势如何? 情况如何 (find out how the land lies 摸清情况)。 land flowing with milk and honey 【圣经】乳与蜜成河的国土;富裕的福地。 L- ho! 看到陆地啦!〔海员在航海中发现陆地时的欣喜喊声。〕 lay [shut in] the land 【航海】远出海中不见陆地。 lie along [keep in with] the land 沿岸航行。 make (the) land 看见陆地,到岸。 My L-! = good land ! no man's land 1. 【历史】无主地。 2. 【军事】无人地带,真空地带。 on land 在陆地上。 see land 1. 看到陆地。 2. 行将达到目的。 see how the land lies 观察形势。 set (the) land 测陆地的方向。 sight the land = make (the) land. the land of the living 人世,现世。 the lay [lie] of the land 1. 【航海】海岸的方向,陆地的位置。 2. 事物的情况 touch [reach] land (从海上) 逃到陆上;〔比喻〕得到稳固的立足点。 vt. 1.使上陆,使登岸;使(飞机)着陆,使降陆。 2. 自船[飞机]上卸下;将(捕到的鱼等)拉上岸[船]。 3.使到达,把…送到。 4. 〔口语〕捞到,获得。 5.打。 6.使处于。 7.(骑师)使(马)进入决胜点(跑得第一名)。 The pilot landed the aeroplane. 驾驶员使飞机着陆。 The ship landed its passengers. 船让旅客登岸。 The detective landed the criminal. 侦探捕获了罪犯。 land a prize 得奖。 This landed me in great difficulties.这使我非常为难了。 be nicely landed 〔反语〕一筹莫展,毫无办法。 land a man with coat that doesn't fit 给人穿不合身的上衣。 vi. 1.上岸,登陆 (at);(飞机)着陆。 2. 【无线电】接地。 3.到达。 4.陷入。 5.(马)跑得第一名。 6.(罪犯等)落网。 The passengers landed. 旅客都已上岸。 The thief landed in jail. 罪犯被捕入狱。 land on 〔俚语〕申斥,批评。 land on one's feet 逢凶化吉。
  • "land on" 中文翻译 :    降落在; 猛烈抨击
  • "land…at" 中文翻译 :    把……送到……;使……到达
  • "on land" 中文翻译 :    在负载下; 在陆地上
  • "on this land" 中文翻译 :    在这块土地上
  • "t-land" 中文翻译 :    天朗
  • "the land" 中文翻译 :    发现自己置身异世界
  • "this land" 中文翻译 :    在这片土地上
  • "to land" 中文翻译 :    抵岸
  • "to land on" 中文翻译 :    (飞机等)降落于……


  • In january2004 , it was approved as national geopark by state land and resource department
  • But the government has quietly turned more state land over to family farming and paid off a debt to dairy farmers
  • Since april the state ' s annual “ campaign against marijuana planting ” has pulled 2 . 9m plants worth some $ 10 billion from back gardens , timber forests and state lands ( see chart )
    到四月为止,这个州的每年的“清理大麻种植”的行动已经从后花园,林园,公共用地中收缴了290万棵大约价值100亿美元的大麻(见图表) 。
  • It has started but it has difficulty in converting collective land to state land through market of the reform of land requisition this day just lack of a whole institutions needed to hold up
  • As a statutory publication price , urban land basic standard price has played a key standard to make certain the lowest price of urban land use right transaction and protect state land income from peculation
  • Foreign invested enterprises shall use the state land on the basis of an onerous system , which the right of land - use shall be secured to develop and carry on business by mans of remising , leasing , and participation in businesses by shares of the right of land - use . the enterprises shall be accessible to the following favorable policies in accordance with the use of land , quality , and ways of use within certain periods of time
  • Abstract : currently , only the area of the public apportion is registered in the certificate of title of commercial housing in china , whereas the specific content of the public apportion is not clarified , and even less is said on public area in the certificate of state land use right , which leads to the strange phenomenon of unidentified subject of legal right on the realistic abounding shared area
  • Finally , the paper gives some beneficial imaginations on institutions of converting collective land to state land through market . i think it is meaningful because such institutions devising can enlarge social welfare matching the behalf of the country and the people , and it is a necessary ways and tendency for converting collective land to state land
  • To seek for an optimum plan that properly integrates land resources and taps potential new senses of pride in urban economic development by respecting the history of industrial development and reflecting the scene of modernization in beijing , beijing municipal commission of urban planning and beijing municipal bureau of state land & resources are hereby inviting worldwide urban planning / design firms experienced in property , development , urban planning , urban design , landscaping and track transport design , or joint ventures of such firms , to apply for prequalification , which , as conducted by experts and government agencies organized by beijing municipal commission of urban planning and beijing municipal bureau of state land & resources , is intended to determine about six firms or joint ventures as participants
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